LCSoft Version 1.9.0 - Release Notes



  • Website upgraded to: Joomla 4.3, PHP 8.1, PayPal Checkout and proper MVC structure
  • Authentication and Trial Creation communication methods/API has all been overhauled and updated
  • Due to the website and communication protocol updates, the old versions of the database frontend can no longer access the website for credit checks or trial creation.  Users must update their LCSoft version to 1.9.0.  Fortunately, nothing was changed in the backend database (lcsoft_be.x.x.x.accdb) with 1.9.0, so you can still relink to your 1.8.x backend databases without having to "Import from Access." 

Sorry about the inconvenience of issuing a required update.  The world has moved on from PHP 7.x and the webhost that we use is charging extra per month for any sites still using this old version and the extra work in securing it. 

Thanks for your support and understanding, and as always, if you hit any errors, please contact me via Facebook Messenger or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LCSoft Version 1.8.7 - Release Notes


  • AKC CAT CSV export: Export your results using the AKC's .xlsx/csv format for online submissions.

Bug Fixes:

  • AKC Online AKC SECRETARY FORM - FAST CAT or CAT now works with AKC CAT's as well as FastCAT's.  Button was not bringing up the page correctly.
  • Error: "Cannot Hide control with Focus".  Tried fixing this before, but if there were locked trials in the list, there was a chance it could still bring up this error.  Should be completely fixed now.
  • Error: "Error retrieving objects from website" error thrown when creating a trial.  There was an error in the way Access was passing dates back and forth within the form resulting in bad Start/Ending/Closing dates being submitted to the server and rejected.  Should be fixed now.

Known Issues:

  • Some users are reporting that on a new install, the wrong "flavor" (x86/x64) of the LCSoft application could be installed.  I think this might be due to conflicting versions of Access being installed on the same machine or one of them having been uninstalled.  I'm looking into this, but this is an extremely rare occurrence.

As always, if you hit any errors, please contact me via Facebook Messenger or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LCSoft Version 1.8.5 - Release Notes

Bug Fixes:

  • AKC FastCAT CSV export was in the wrong format: Unicode vs ASCII.  Format corrected and verified via binary examination.
  • Error: "Cannot Hide control with Focus".  When switching between trials/test on the main screen or even opening the program with FastCAT as the first event, program would throw this error.  Focus given to always visible control during Form_Current refresh.  This error could lockup the main form, though the button bar and other forms were still clickable and users could return to the main form.
  • Error: "Either BOF or EOF" error thrown when exporting CSV file and there were no FastCAT records to export.  Will still throw an error, but will be a little more clear why it's throwing it.

As always, if you hit any errors, please contact me via Facebook Messenger or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LCSoft Version 1.8.4 - Release Notes

New Features:

  • Online Secretary Forms - The AKC has published a Jotform page where CAT and FastCAT secretaries can close-out their tests and pay for their events.  There is now a button link titled "Online Secretary Report" next to the old "Event Report" button.  This will open your default browser to the AKC Secretary Report page with it already filled out!


  • ASFA Forms:
    • Entry Form (Rev: 3/23)
    • Certification Form (Rev: 1/21)
    • LCI Entry Form (Rev: 1/20)
    • Judging Form (Rev: 12/21)
  • FastCAT Results Export - AKC updated the format of their CSV export from their FastCAT E-Results Template excel file.  People were having issues submitting, but I've updated the contents of the CSV to match the new format.  If there are any issues submitting, contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and you can always just generate the judging sheets for the events, export them to PDF and email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  More work on the AKC's end, but not really on yours.
  • PDF Fillable Forms - Introduced in 1.8.3, AKC PDF fillable forms were downloaded and filled via Adobe Acrobat libraries.  Unfortunatly, those libraries are only available in the Standard and Pro version of Adobe Acrobat, both of which require an active subscription.  This method is still available, but I've created an alternative method of generating a XML-based Forms Data Format file (.XFDF) and using that file to open Adobe Acrobat Reader or your PDF viewer of choice.
  • Columns ↓ - On the Trial Scoring form, when you select the Columns ↓ button you and pick Runoffs, BOB or BIF, the records will be filtered and sorted as follows:
    • Runoffs - Show ONLY hounds which are in a placement runoff and sort by Breed, Runoff Title, Runoff Course and Runoff Color.
    • BOB - Show ONLY hounds which have a first place and sort by Breed, BOB Course and BOB Color.
    • BIF - Show ONLY hounds which have BOB checked and sort by BIF Course and BIF Color.

Bug Fixes:

  •  Prompts for opening the scoresheets during finals will only happen after the last stake of dogs has run and you've chosen to draw the placements, runoffs AND Best of Breed courses.  These will save a few clicks telling the program not to open scoresheets after each stake and instead will open the scoresheets for the entire breed.  Added benefit of not forgetting to manually draw the Best of Breed courses if you were going to print the stakes as they were finished. 
  • Program will stop drawing a course and blanket for single stake breeds and will instead now correctly award the Best of Breed to the winner of the stake. 
  • Fixed prompts for awarding Best in Field whenever a Best in Field Forfeit checkbox was checked. 

LCSoft Version 1.8.3 - Release Notes

New Features:

  • Split Database - LCSoft now has a split front-end/back-end database format.  You'll now see two files: lcsoft.#.#.#.accde and lcsoft_be.#.#.#.accde.  All of your data will be store in the _be file, while the other file is strictly front-end application stuff.  This makes a few things possible:
    • You can now just backup the _be database.
    • You can move the _be database anywhere and "Relink" the application to the backend database using the built-in relinker tool found in the top bar.
    • You can share just the _be database with a co-fts.
    • Two people can use the same database at the same time.  Putting the _be database up on a network share, another user can relink their frontend database to your _be database.  Both people can be doing data entry at the same time, but we caution users to stick to different breeds/records so there are no write-conflicts. 
    • As long as the minor number doesn't change, the "8" in 1.8.3 in this instance, you can just point your new version frontend, say 1.8.4 to the old backend without having to perform an "Import from Access" migration.  If the minor version changes, something might have changed in the backend and it is advised to perform a full "Import from Access" migration.
  • Fillable Forms - LCSoft ships with current AKC Fillable forms for event applications as well as event secretary reports.  When generated from within the program, a new fillable pdf will be created and populated with information from LCSoft such as trial info, entry counts, commitee personnel, judges and assignments, etc... The fillable form will be on screen for you to finish, such as putting in a credit card number, because some stuff we don't want to store in a database, and then you can save or print your pdf form for submission. 


  • Updated the FastCAT electronic submission format.
  • Fixed issue with import from Excel.
  • Fixed issue with Breeder/Kennel stake miscalculating total when a dog was entered in more than one stake in the trial.
  • Fixed issue with New Trial -> Start Date acting really annoying and weird.  Hopefully, the imput mask behaves itself better.
  • Fixed CKC Sprinter multipier.
  • Skipped a few build numbers (1.8.0 -> 1.8.3) due to in-house and specialty builds for certain events.