General Information

There are a few utilities within the program you might find useful before the trial even begins.  Most of these features will be found on the Trials screen.  Navigate to the "General Info" tab.  Many of these fields will  be locked when you create the trial, but others you can edit such as Trial Name, Event Number, Clerk and the Committee Members.

General Information
Entry List Button

Entry List

This will generate a report of all of the entries of the current trial grouped by breed and stake.

Extremely useful if you need to contact an owner who might not have shown up for Roll Call.

Entry List Report
Mailing Excel Button

Mailing Excel

An Excel Worksheet will be generated of all of the entries in the trial. Included will be all of the owner information including email addresses.  You can use this to create a mail merge for an email blast or use it to merge into a Word or Publisher document for custom catalog printing.
Mailing Excel Worksheet
Quick Counts Button

Quick Counts

Handy little report for when the random owners call to see if there is a major in their breed/stake or how close it might be to splitting.

Quick Counts Report
Trial Catalog Button

Trial Catalog

Catalog pages of all of the entries, again grouped by breed and stake. This can be printed to PDF and incorporated straight into your full catalog.

* The ANKC version looks slightly different for their use of armbands and record keeping.

Trial Catalog Report
Trial Application  Button

Trial Application

Fill out and print a trial application for the current trial. It will include such information as entry prices, committee members and club officer detailed information.

Trial Application Report
Event Report Button

Event Secretary's Report

Closing form for the trial. Included will be committe members listed for the trial and it will count and calculate the fees for closing.

Event Report
Judges Book Cover Sheet Button

Judges' Book Cover Sheet

Another trial closing form which will be completed with the available data within the program.

Judges Book Cover Sheet Report